Manage your own Server Pool in the Virtual Data Center or your own Web Hosting Environment.
You can manage your server pool in a virtual data center or your web hosting environment. We will provide you with your pool of server resources, including vCPU, vRAM, and vHDD, within our VMware® cloud environment. This pool will allow you to operate your own virtual data center and allocate CPU computing power and available storage to virtual machines for your customers.
To access the resources, you can use vCloud Director, a web interface that lets you create, edit, and manage individual VMs within the resource pool. You can also deploy virtual VPN and firewall appliances or load-balancing solutions to enhance and optimize your environment’s performance.
You can use the individual pool resources to independently administer virtual servers, or we can provide you with one or more web hosting environments on Linux or Windows platforms, each equipped with management software for web accounts. The user-friendly configuration and administration of the web server are done via the browser interface using the LiveConfig® Hosting Control Panel.
Your virtual data center environment or hosting platform is flexible and scalable, allowing you to expand your computing resources or reallocate them within your virtual machines at any time, even during operation.