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May 2024

Phasing Out Legacy PHP Versionen

We continuously work on enhancing the system security of the services and applications hosted with us.

As part of these measures, we will discontinue several services and applications that are no longer supported or developed throughout this year.

Affected customers will, of course, be informed in advance via email.

Why are we discontinuing unsupported PHP versions or applications?

Languages like PHP, essential for running websites and web applications, continually evolve. Current CMS, which we strongly recommend for the security of your website and user data, requires the latest versions. We always aim to offer the most up-to-date versions on our systems, but we have also provided older versions (EOL).

Some of our customers’ applications depend on these older versions, such as outdated versions of popular Content Management Systems like WordPress, Joomla, or TYPO3, including their extensions.

By discontinuing outdated versions and applications, we significantly increase the security of our systems and, thus, your hosting environment.

Which CMS version is compatible with which PHP version?


* PHP 7.4 = Joomla Version 4
* PHP 8.0 = Joomla Version 4
* PHP 8.1 = Joomla Version 4.3 and >= Joomla 5
* PHP 8.2 = Joomla Version 4.3 and (recommended) Joomla 5
* PHP 8.3 = Joomla 5

* PHP 7.4 >= TYPO3 v10
* PHP 8.0 >= TYPO3 v11
* PHP 8.1 >= TYPO3 v11
* PHP 8.2 >= TYPO3 v11
* PHP 8.3 >= TYPO3 v11

More information (TYPO3)


* PHP 7.4 = WordPress >= 5.3
* PHP 8.0 = WordPress >= 5.6 (Beta) and WordPress >= 6.3 (official)
* PHP 8.1 = WordPress >= 5.9 (Beta) and WordPress >= 6.3 (official)
* PHP 8.2 = WordPress >= 6.1 (Beta)
* PHP 8.3 = WordPress >= 6.4 (Beta)

More information (WordPress)

The information above reflects the status at the end of May 2024 and does not include plugins/extensions and themes.

How can I adjust the PHP version for my project(s)?

You can assign newer PHP versions to your domains via your customer menu’s “PHP Settings” section. Instructions will be sent to affected customers via email.

Please ensure to check the functionality of your application or website afterward!

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.

Ilja Kassühlke
Head of Customer Support

Together We will Find
the Right Solution

We take the time to understand your requirements and develop optimal solutions. We also know how to explain complex technical matters clearly and precisely.

Feel free to contact me directly, and we will find a solution.

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